Check out the Youtube channel


For urgent tasks, I recommend Heycarson or Storetasker.

Hi, I'm currently only available for two types of work - small tasks, or ongoing support.
For anything else, feel free to reach out and I will refer you to someone.

Small Code Modifications (approx. 1hr)

When you want to tweak your design slightly beyond theme settings, output metafields/metaobjects in a custom way, or use the custom CSS or custom liquid fields.

Most of my tutorial videos are examples of small modifications.

Pricing: $150 USD
It's a fixed price for simplicity. If the project is much larger I will refer you to someone else.

Monthly Support Packages

I can be your "technical partner", and provide a mix of strategic advice, coding & SEO, and general Shopify admin work.

You will be prioritized above my other work, and have access to me in Whatsapp for fast communication.

  • 10 hours/month: $1500
  • 20 hours/month: $2800

Not suitable for everybody. Let's meet and discuss.

Ready to work together?

Please reach out to me at with as much detail as possible: